5 myths about context that negatively affect your ad
Myth 1: first we launch ads, then we deal with analytics.
This is one of the most common mistakes. Don't launch campaigns until you are sure you have all the data you need to analyze performance in the future. Don't forget to check that the Google Analytics counters are configured correctly. And if you already have accumulated data from the site, use it to launch remarketing.
Myth 2: you need the most accurate semantics, as in a search.
Using a large list of negative keywords (like total cross-minus) decreases, rather than increases, the reach of the target audience and interferes with algorithms. We recommend using high-frequency and mid-frequency phrases of 1-3 words.
Myth 3: Adding different types of targeting clarifies the audience.
In fact, the combination of different types of targeting expands the audience, rather than narrowing it, because all types of targeting in a group work on the "OR" operator. If you need to narrow your audience, do it through bid adjustments.
Myth 4: Google Ads Optimization Score affects your Quality Score and Ad Rank.
Many people mistakenly believe that Optimization Score affects bids, CPCs, and impression position, but this is not the case. Therefore, you should not mindlessly accept all the recommendations that you see in the interface. Review all the recommendations of the system, accept those that are useful and reject those that you consider useless. This will help the algorithms learn, which will ultimately lead to increased efficiency.
Myth 5: You cannot use a mixed search + network campaign type in PPC advertising.
This is partly true, but there is an exception that gives good results in practice. If you enable the Display Network checkbox when creating a search campaign in Google Ads, Google Ads will automatically generate text ads for Display Networks based on search campaigns and manage bids to select the most converting audience. Among other things, this type of campaign helps you find quality platforms for your main display campaign - give it a try.